The Rose of Ardee – Róisín Ward Morrow ft. Oisín McCann and Breifne Holohan
by on September 1, 2023 in

Róisín Ward Morrow – fiddle, vocals
Breifne Holohan – guitar
Oisín McCann – bodhrán, low whistle

Video by Seán McMahon in Mo Chara, Dundalk
Producer – Laoise O’ Brien at Jiggery Pokery Productions
Sound Engineering – Ben Rawlins
Mixing & mastering – Ben Rawlins at the Jericho Mile
Recorded at Black Mountain Studios, November 2022.


When first to this country a stranger I came,
I placed my affections on a comely young dame.
She was neat, tall and handsome in every degree,
She’s the flower of the country, she’s the rose of Ardee

My curse I will give unto any young man,
That’ll place his affections too much upon one.
For she’ll sit and drink with you ’til your money is gone,
Then she’ll go and she’ll leave you for some other young man

I will go join the army for a month, two or three,
In search of pretty fair maids that I might there to see
Still hoping hereafter I might find one in time,
That’ll drive you me pretty Nancy right out of my mind

When I get my weeks pay to the crossroads I’ll go,
Where with fiddle and with flute I’ll forget my sad woe.
I’ll call for strong liquor and here’s what I’ll say,
“My curse upon you Nancy, you have led me astray!”

From Belfast to Bangor to the midlands I’ll go,
From Carlow to Mallow where the Blackwaters flow.
I will go unto Kerry where me mind might be free,
And forget you me lovely Nancy, you’re the rose of Ardee

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